Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Still Going!

Runs are going fantastic. I was getting a little frustrated there for a bit, but things are going much better! Speeds are where I need them for my long runs.

This week I'll be running 4 miles at Half Marathon Pace. This will increase weekly. I also have my longest run (19 miles) coming Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it.

My Coach never got ahold of me, so I am on my own. I feel comfortable with that though. I'll have to push myself a little harder. I think I needed him to ensure I was getting pushed hard enough. I think I'm there now. I just missed my 40 mile week last week, but I will be well above that this week. I have a rest day today, so I can ensure I hit the speed I want to tomorrow. Sunday will be my next 'rest' day.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

3 - 9 August, 2009

Great week of running. I'm loving the new Nike shoes. My distance for the week so far is 32 miles, but I'm going to run a 'recovery' run tomorrow.

My speed workout I didn't do exactly as planned, but I was just over 7 minute splits for the interval. My recovery run the next day I kept slow, but still put in 7 miles.

The Long run was FANTASTIC! Better than I had expected. This is also my longest run yet! Here are my Splits:

The 9:25 pace must have been when I stopped shortly for my GU, and drink, or shortly afterwards. I felt great and actually slowed myself down at times. Obviously not marathon pace, but it was meant to be slower.

I may have lost my coach! Hasn't responded to my emails. I'm hoping I haven't lost him, but I know he's heading overseas soon for a big race. Best of luck to him either way. So... On that note, I've got to dust off my old routine and get back to it. I hope that doesn't mess me up to bad. Nate's workout seemed a little more aggressive, so I may have to add a bit more 'spice' to my old workout plan.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's been a while

It's been 2 weeks since I've posted anything, so I thought I'd catch you up! Training has been going great, just haven't posted a lot on here. My pace is a lot slower than I had hoped for, but I've been getting the miles in. I've also been getting a lot of good advice and input from runners on Dailymile.com. It's been great! My only complain are the blisters on the end of my toes. I sent and picked up "Nike Air Max Motto+ 6" shoes (size 11, 4E). I feel like these are the first running shoes I have ever worn that weren't tight anywhere or to loose. It's awesome! I'm hoping that helps. I picked them up from Marathon Sports in Norwell. It was a fantastic shopping experience there.

July I posted my post miles ever in a month, 130+ miles! Yeah for me! I did a 15 miler 2 weeks ago and have a 17 miler scheduled for this week. I can't wait to see how I do in my new shoes.