Monday, October 12, 2009

Finally got a Cold

It had to happen... I've been fighting this as hard as I could, but I have 4 sick women in my house and they finally gave me a cold. I'm taking Zicam, which seems to help, but it did not make for a fun 8 mile tempo on Sunday. I'm sure this will be over in the next 4 days...

On a side note, I experience my first mysterious pains during taper. I got shin splints just warming up on Sunday and pain in my left foot. What?! I haven't had this in 4 months of training. I iced my shins and foot that night, and I feel better today. I've read an article from Runner's World on this type of thing and I've heard other people discuss this too. Some not realizing it's all part of the Taper.

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