Friday, October 16, 2009

Race Manifesto - Updated <10/17/2009>

1. I will REST, REST, REST between now and the marathon.

2. I will drink at least 8 cups of water a day before the marathon.

3. I will eat food that will fuel my body.

4. I will fill my thoughts with seeing 3:20 as I cross the finish line.

5. I will stay warm and dry until the race starts and then pretend that there is no wind, no cold and no rain.

6. I WILL drink something at every water station and GU every 30 - 45 minutes.

7. I will keep the 3:20 pace group in site the first 1/2 and pass them the second 1/2.

8. I will believe I can do it!

9. No matter my finish time, I will rejoice and pat myself on the back for accomplishing something I could NOT have done 4 months ago.


  1. You are going to rock the marathon!!!

    I like your manifesto. Be sure to get some rest, it is the last part of the training. Hard to do on the day before, but, it is imperative.

    GU: just be sure you don't overload on it, hehehe, bloating is no fun either. I think every 45min is good enough. If you are like me, you will need 4 but that is because I run slow and I know you run faster than me.

    You can do it! You will finish this marathon!

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself, if you feel that you won't make the desired time, don't worry, you will still be achieving a wonderful goal. But, we know you can do it. Your training has shown us that you can. Go out there and have fun!

  2. Thanks for that. I actually updated my GU requirements. I'm glad so many people corrected me on that. Resting now! :-)
